The 100MKMK course The Shadow Warrior (210 km / +7750 m) is a Qualifying Race for UTMB (Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc) and will give 6 qualifying points for UTMB registrations. The condition for getting the qualifying points is to finish the 100MKMK 2019 course The Shadow Warrior within 55 hours and in terms of the race regulations.

Based on the actual information 10 points acquired in 2 races maximum in past 2 years (for UTMB 2020 between 1.1.2018 and 31.12.2019) are required for UTMB registration. For more information about UTMB enrollment visit the UTMB website.

The number of UTMB qualifying points can be verified on, where you can also search for other qualifying races to get the remaining qualifying points for UTMB registration.